Russian version
History of Young Peacemakers
The movement of young peacemakers and peace promoters appeared
for the first time in Russia in 1997 as a result of adoption of
the Project "Culture of Peace in Russia 2000"
by UNESCO and Russian Commission for UNESCO. This neatly elaborated
project was strongly supported by UN Information Center in Moscow,
UNA-Russia, Moscow Government, Center "Ethnosphere",
Union of Peacemakers and many other NGOs.
Establishment of first clubs and teams of young peacemakers was
initiated by Museum of Peacekeeping Operations (Union
of Peacemakers) in the framework of the project "Model
of UN Peacekeeping" which won the 3-rd place at
the First Russian Contest "Best Projects on International
Cooperation in the Field of Education" (Moscow, 1998).
By 2000 the young peacemaker movement passed the following stages
- Simulation game "Model of UN Peace-keeping
1998" (Solnechnogorsk, May 2022, 1998)
for children and youth (aged 1418 years) of Moscow
region with financial assistance of Committee on Youth of Moscow
Region Government;

- Simulation game "Model of UN Peace-keeping
1999" (Moscow and Solnechnogorsk, June 1116,
1999) for children and youth of Moscow and Moscow region with
financial assistance of Committee on Education, Committee on Public
and Regional Relations and Committee on Youth and Family of Moscow

- First meeting and simulation game of young peacemakers of South-West
district of Moscow with financial assistance of Prefect of South-West
district of Moscow (Bykovka, May 2628, 2000).

- As a result of support by Moscow government there were established
2 to 3 clubs and teams of young peacemakers in each of 10 districts
of Moscow and they organized a few volunteer actions of their
own on the occasion of the International Year of Culture of Peace
In September December of 2000 the movement of young peacemakers
continued its activities in the field of volunteering for peace.
September 19, 2000 there was marked the Millennium Peace Day while in December
over 50 educational establishments took part in the Decade of
Good Deeds to launch the International Year of Volunteers.
Council of Young Peacemakers was formed by the representatives of youth
clubs of Moscow region March 20, 2001 at Moscow Teacher-Training
Institute. The purpose of the council is to coordinate the activities
of clubs of young peacemakers.

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