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The memorial book The Memorial Book of Russian Peacekeepers named "In the Service of Peace. 1973 - 1992" was published in 1993 on the occasion of the 20-anniversary of Russian military personnel participation in UN Peacekeeping Operations.

It contained the list of Soviet and Russian UNMOs for the period 1973-1992 as well as staff listing of the first Russian battalion included into UNPROFOR (Yugoslavia) The second edition of the memorial book in April 1992. By the beginning of 1994 most of 2000 copies of the book were distributed among Russian and international peacekeepers.

The Second Edition of the Memorial Book "In the Service of Peace. 1973-2000" was issued by the Museum of Peacekeeping Operations on occasion of the 25-th anniversary of start of peacekeeping training in Russia to contain about 800 names of Russian and international peacekeepers.

Beside the list of national UNMOs in 1973-2000 it includes staff listing of the first Russian civil police officers, officers of the first peacekeeping battalion as well as the list of US military observers to join UNTSO in 1973. The book is illustrated by historical photographs of RUSUNMOC graduates and Russian peacekeepers.

The memorial book pays the tribute of respect to died and killed peacekeepers. Mournful list "Roll of Honour" maintained by the Museum includes both UNMOs and members of Russian UN battalion

The second edition of the memorial bookThe Jubilee Edition of the Book "In the Service of Peace"

The 3-rd edition of the book "In the Service of Peace" devoted to the 30-th anniversary of Russian participation in UN peacekeeping was issued by the Museum of Peacekeeping Operations April 15, 2004. The book under the title "In the Service of Peace. 1973-2003" contains the list of names of Russian peacekeepers for the period since 1973.

Due to efforts of former Russian civpols Yuri Bogomolov and Alexander Borisov one can find in the book the complete list of Russian civpols for the period from 1992 to 2003.

The special part of the book is devoted to the Movement of Young Peacemakers (children and youth interested in study of UN peacekeeping experience and in its emplementation in everyday life) which appeared for the first time in Russia in 1998 and develops in the framework of the Decade of Culture of Peace and Tolerance in the Interests of Children of the Planet(2001-2010).

The book may be obtained in Moscow office of the VIIA-Club: Zlatoustinsky pereulok, block 7, 5-th floor. Phone: (095) 924-5818; fax:(095) 923-1935

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